Netarhat Vidyalaya Samiti : 21st Century Netarhat Vidyalaya
Based on the experiences gained over a period of time, since its inception in 1954, in the running of Netarhat Residential School - a state government owned institution - the need was felt for making its management a more convenient and a dynamic one. Accordingly, the Jharkhand state government vide its decision in a cabinet meeting held in October 2010 decided to enable it to function as an autonomous institution. This paved the way for creation of Netarhat Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS) that's mandated to administer this institution.
NVS got itself registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 on 15-09-2009 vide : Regn. No.688. Further details about NVS can be had from the section- "Manual"- provided here.
About the genesis of Netarhat Vidyalaya, the details can be accessed from the 'Compendium' uploaded in the section "Manual"- provided here..